
Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Midcab

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Minimally Invasive Coronary Revascularisation Surgery: A Focused Review of the Available Literature


Minimally invasive coronary revascularisation was originally developed in the mid 1990s every bit minimally invasive direct coronary avenue bypass (MIDCAB) grafting is a less invasive approach compared to conventional coronary avenue bypass grafting (CABG) to address targets in the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). Since then, MIDCAB has evolved with the adoption of a robotic platform and the possibility to perform multivessel featherbed procedures. Minimally invasive coronary revascularisation surgery also allows for a combination between the benefits of CABG and percutaneous coronary interventions for non-LAD lesions – a hybrid approach. Hybrid coronary revascularisation results in fewer blood transfusions, shorter hospital stay, decreased ventilation times and patients render to work sooner when compared to conventional CABG. This commodity reviews the available literature, describes standard approaches and considers topics, such equally express access procedures, indications and patient choice, diagnostics and imaging, techniques, anastomotic devices, hybrid coronary revascularisation and upshot analysis.


Coronary artery bypass grafting, minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass, totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass, off-pump coronary artery featherbed, revascularisation, hybrid, multivessel, robot, redo, percutaneous coronary intervention, minimally invasive,

Disclosure: The authors take no conflicts of interest to declare.



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Correspondence: Karel M Van Praet, Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin, Federal republic of germany. E:

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In the early 1960s the commencement reports on successful aortocoronary bypass operations for the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD) were E'er since, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) has go i of the virtually often performed operations worldwide and has been continuously refined and developed.2 Off-pump surgery and minimally invasive procedures have evolved to minimise the surgical trauma associated with CABG. In Germany, the unadjusted in-infirmary survival rate for the 34,224 isolated CABG procedures was 97.three% in 2019.3

Calafiore et al. first described a left internal mammary avenue (LIMA) to left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) anastomosis via a small left anterior thoracotomy on the chirapsia heart in 1996 and since and so, minimally invasive CABG has been gaining broad acceptance in clinical do, with many groups attempting to meliorate the procedure.2,4–9 The emergence of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) has notably intensified the search for less invasive procedures for surgical revascularisation. Despite the high rates of CAD, its optimal handling is still the topic of ongoing argue. Both CABG and PCI take been subject to multilatitudinal scrutiny over the years.ten–23 PCI is usually favoured due to its minimal invasiveness, specially in settings where patients can choose between these 2 modalities. Yet, multiarterial (MA) surgical revascularisation compared with PCI has resulted in substantially enhanced death rates and survival free of reintervention.24 Accordingly, MACABG represents the optimal therapy for multivessel coronary avenue disease (MVCAD) and should be enthusiastically adopted by multidisciplinary centre teams as the all-time evidence-based therapy.24 Withal, i may not forget that the ART trial has shown that bilateral internal thoracic avenue (BITA) grafting is not superior to unmarried internal thoracic artery (SITA) grafting at least in the starting time decade following CABG.25,26 It may exist possible that at further follow-up (at 15 or perhaps 20 years), a amend survival of the BITA group may get apparent but until that time, SITA appears to be an equally good pick.26

For the treating physician, factors such as predicted surgical mortality, the complication of CAD also as the beefcake and predictable results filter into the controlling process.27 The resulting adventure–do good ratio should exist used to determine whether bourgeois therapy, PCI or CABG should exist performed. Mohr et al. accept focused on minimally invasive CABG and the implementation of robotic support using the da Vinci system (Intuitive Surgical).28–34 To overcome technical and anatomical limitations in totally endoscopic coronary avenue bypass (TECAB), automated anastomotic devices to facilitate the procedure were developed.35–37 The innovative TECAB approach was performed in a number of cases with promising results.29 Nevertheless, the original enthusiasm for this procedure was followed by a wearisome adoption rate on a larger scale. This occurred for several underlying reasons including the need to develop dedicated skills, the steep learning bend related to the procedure, the increased scrutiny of outcomes in CABG and the costs related to the robotic equipment.

Nowadays, minimally invasive straight coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB) grafting is the routine procedure for patients with isolated proximal LAD stenosis and also equally part of a hybrid approach in selected patients with MVCAD.27,38 In general, avoidance of sternotomy and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has allowed for faster recovery, resulted in less bleeding and fewer transfusions and helped to prevent wound infections.39 While MIDCAB initially mainly encompassed the revascularisation of the LAD with the LIMA, minimally invasive techniques are non restricted to patients with unmarried-vessel disease, merely tin also be practical to selected cases of MVCAD.five,40

The utilise of both IMAs through a non-sternotomy approach was described by Balkhy et al. in 2017, using a totally robotic approach and recently by Davierwala et al. via a mini-thoracotomy incision. 41,42 In both cases, the sternal sparing technique enhances the adoption of both internal thoracic arteries equally conduits and nullifies the risk of deep sternal wound infection, while providing the benefit of multiarterial bypass grafting.

This review discusses the available literature, describes standard approaches and elaborates on topics such as limited access procedures, indications and patient selection, diagnostics and imaging, different techniques, anastomotic devices, hybrid revascularisation, pitfalls and outcome analysis.


We searched the Medline database using subject and text terms for MIDCAB, TECAB, hybrid coronary revascularisation (HCR), robotic-assisted MIDCAB, anastomotic devices, fractional flow reserve (FFR), instantaneous wave-free ratio and PCI.

We express our search to published review articles, example serial and reports, retrospective comparative studies and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) between Jan 1998 and January 2021 to reverberate contemporary practices regarding minimally invasive coronary revascularisation surgery in patients presenting with CAD. We also searched for meta-analyses in the above database and manually retrieved the most current meta-analyses that included RCTs, observational studies or both for the 8 major topics. We too reviewed reference lists of identified studies. Indistinguishable references were identified and removed using the EndNote X5 Library (Thomson Reuters) programme. Statistical software was non required because no numerical syntheses were performed.

Indications and Patient Selection

Heart teams are confronted with the challenge of incorporating minimally invasive strategies – off-pump CAB (OPCAB), MIDCAB, TECAB, PCI, and the hybrid approach – into the determination process, yet current guidelines do not fully address this challenge. The 2018 ECS/EACTS guidelines on myocardial revascularisation provide some criteria for the decision-making for minimally invasive and hybrid CABG procedures as shown in Table 1 .27

In 2020, Van den Eynde et al. published a new decision tree that incorporates recent advances in minimally invasive revascularisation strategies, to optimise adequate delivery of care for each individual patient'southward needs.44 In their conclusion tree, distinctions are made betwixt single, double, and triple vessel disease and decision elements such as the SYNTAX-score, contraindication for dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT), failed PCI and diabetes are added to guide the middle team's decisions.44 Careful patient selection is of utmost importance to achieve satisfactory minimally invasive coronary revascularisation. Regarding characteristics of the LAD itself, Diegeler et al. concluded that a diameter <1.5 mm, diffuse disease, astringent calcification or intramural position of the LAD are exclusion criteria for MIDCAB.34 Second, they suggested that unfavourable anatomical weather regarding sufficient exposure of the LAD and LIMA made MIDCAB unsuitable for women with obesity and/or large breasts and the authors recommended using a full sternotomy OPCAB approach in this patient group.34 While these recommendations reflect the early MIDCAB feel, in the current era merely very few restrictions apply.

Amabile et al. reported that contraindications for the current TECAB practice were astringent left pleural scarring (history of lung surgery or chronic granulomatous inflammatory processes), severe left ventricular dysfunction requiring the potential utilise of advanced myocardial support after surgery, and emergent cases.45

Minimally invasive surgical revascularisation has been institute to be safe in unmarried vessel disease besides as a selected group of patients with MVCAD, where it has been shown to have low complication rates, good long-term results and adequate conversion rates.46,47 Furthermore, Al-Ruzzeh et al. institute that patients had excellent subjective mid-term outcomes concerning their general health and quality of life.48 Nonetheless, it is important to keep in listen that whatever minimally invasive coronary operation remains more than challenging than conventional CABG and that the choice of handling strategy remains a controversial topic.

Techniques of Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

The lack of a standardised nomenclature of different types of minimally invasive CABG procedures has generated confusion amid cardiac surgeons and interventional cardiologists working in a heart team. In this manuscript nosotros nowadays the near adopted techniques and their variation to offer a general idea on how minimally invasive coronary revascularisation can be achieved.

Minimally Invasive Directly Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

MIDCAB grafting is currently the most standardised of all minimally invasive coronary procedures. It is performed through a small (mini) thoracotomy in the quaternary left intercostal infinite (ICS) underneath the nipple. Surgeons perform both the LIMA takedown too as the distal anastomosis of the LIMA to the LAD through this admission. Grafting of mid-LAD and diagonal branches can exist performed with this arroyo. The takedown of the LIMA can exist challenging nether direct vision, particularly in obese patients, women with large breasts or in tall patients with a long chest. Several surgeons have implemented the traditional MIDCAB technique with a videoscope inserted through a trocar in the second or tertiary ICS to better visualise the proximal portion of the LIMA. This type of procedure is generally referred to every bit video-assisted MIDCAB. The use of a new retractor organisation and single-lung amazement greatly aids in facilitating mammary artery exposure and autopsy and allows a defended team to perform bilateral thoracic artery takedown from an anterior/antero-lateral thoracotomy using direct vision with video assistance.49

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Robotic-assisted Minimally Invasive Straight Coronary Avenue Bypass Grafting

Robotic-assisted MIDCAB refers to the combination of a robotic takedown of the left internal thoracic artery and a direct anastomosis of the LIMA to the LAD accomplished at the bedside of the patient by the surgeon through a small anterior thoracotomy. This procedure has go popular because information technology has several advantages with respect to the traditional MIDCAB procedure, where the LIMA is harvested through the anterior thoracotomy:

  • Past using the robotic platform, the visualisation of the LIMA is enhanced with lower take a chance of vessel injury and typically a longer IMA graft (until the distal bifurcation) can be harvested. If needed, the longer LIMA graft can exist used to perform an boosted sequential anastomosis on the diagonal coronary avenue, thus enabling multivessel MIDCAB.
  • During a traditional MIDCAB procedure, a special retractor is used to asymmetrically separate the two portions of the anterior thoracotomy and expose the mammary artery. Such traction is responsible for the postoperative pain experienced by most patients who undergo MIDCAB. By using the robotic platform to accomplish the LIMA takedown, the anterior thoracotomy performed in robotic MIDCAB is small and the retraction forcefulness practical to expose the LAD and accomplish the LIMA to LAD anastomosis under straight vision remains minimal which decreases the postoperative pain for the patient.

In robotic MIDCAB, the patient is positioned supine and a shoulder scroll is applied on the left side of the spine to elevate the left hemithorax. Yet, some colleagues volition not elevate the left chest equally this may lead to pressure points. Single-lung ventilation is essential and the chest cavity is insufflated with COii to create boosted space.

The camera port is placed well-nigh iii cm lateral to the mid-clavicular line, usually in the quaternary or fifth ICS, and two other ports are placed two ICS above and below this first port. The robotic arms are advanced to the bedside of the patient from the right side, crossing the midline, and are docked with the trocar previously inserted. The surgeon sits at the robotic console by and large positioned within the operative room just on a side of the patient's table and manouevres the two artillery and the photographic camera to attain the surgery. A table-side assistant (a 2d surgeon or a md banana) stands beside the patient and is in accuse of exchanging the instruments as requested by the primary surgeon who sits at the surgical console. The mammary artery can exist taken down both in skeletonised or pedicle technique using the robotic instruments.50 Side branches are clipped and cauterised. The unabridged length of the LIMA is mobilised. If required, both mammary arteries can be harvested by reaching the correct internal thoracic avenue with instruments still inserted using the trocars in the left chest and advanced through the midline crossing the inductive mediastinum into the right pleural space. The proximal portion of the right internal thoracic avenue is harvested with the aid of the coronary stabiliser, which is inserted from a sub-costal trocar in the left breast and advanced to the proximal portion of the anterior mediastinum to expose the origin of the RIMA.41 After the IMA is harvested, the LAD is identified and finally a small anterior thoracotomy in the fourth and fifth ICS is performed to let the surgeon to complete the LITA-to-LAD anastomosis at the bedside using specialised instruments and a coronary stabiliser designed for minimally invasive coronary surgery. Nigh of the centres adopting robotic MIDCAB grafting perform the anastomosis in an off-pump fashion on a beating centre. If 2 mammary arteries have been harvested, the anterior thoracotomy can be extended laterally and the 2nd IMA deployed to the anterolateral (or lateral) coronary target.

As previously published by Van den Eynde et al., the extension of MIDCAB to vessels other than the LAD and its diagonal branches has in the past been hampered by 2 major challenges.43 First, in dissimilarity to open up surgery, manipulation of the eye through a thoracotomy is far more than challenging.43 This has put an anatomical limitation to the extent of target vessels that can be reached, particularly on the lateral and posterior sides of the centre.43 Notwithstanding, stabilisation devices that allow better exposure of the LAD equally well equally other vessels, have at present get widely available.43 Second, the limited accessibility of the aorta during MIDCAB makes it difficult to perform proximal anastomoses for additional grafts.43 However, BIMA grafts combined with radial Y-grafts have been reported as an culling to achieve revascularisation with multiple grafts.43

Une et al. evaluated the learning curve and its outcome on minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS) CABG.51 They found that MICS CABG can be safely initiated without mortality or boosted morbidity that could exist explained by the learning curve. Pump assistance may be used without boosted take a chance and represents a good strategy to avoid a steep learning curve and the possibility of conversion to sternotomy.51 Operative fourth dimension reached an acceptable level at the 66th case in off-pump single-vessel modest thoracotomy, the 16th case in CPB-assisted multivessel small thoracotomy (MVST) and the 40th example in off-pump MVST.51 Rodriguez et al. proved that in selected patients, MICS CABG can be safely initiated as a minimally invasive, multivessel alternative to open surgical coronary revascularization with excellent mid-term results.52 In their written report, learning phase effects were non observed with regard to overall procedural safety, merely rather in terms of improved freedom from bleeding, infection, conversion to sternotomy and repeat revascularisation.52

Totally Endoscopic Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

The TECAB process was initially developed and performed to graft the LAD with the LIMA using the support of CPB in an arrested heart, every bit an fifty-fifty less invasive option than robotic-assisted MIDCAB. Afterward demonstrating the safety and reproducibility of this arroyo in a instance series, and through meaning technological improvements of the post-obit generations of the da Vinci robotic arrangement, multiple conduit harvesting for more complex, off-pump grafting strategies became possible.53–55 Information technology has been extensively demonstrated that robotic-assisted, endoscopic, multivessel CABG procedures are safety, feasible and reproducible and pb to excellent outcomes.6,8,56,57

In their propensity score matched assay, Kofler et al. were able to demonstrate comparable perioperative and long-term results betwixt highly selected robotic patients and conventional CABG patients, despite the longer operative times in robotic CABG.58 Moreover, several advantages of TECAB in comparison to any other strategy of revascularisation take been recently outlined.59 Outset, TECAB represents the prototype of truly minimally invasive surgical myocardial revascularisation, being performed using five ports (8–12 mm) in the left chest, with no thoracotomy or sternotomy required. This lowers the chance of surgical site infection and minimises postoperative hurting, allowing for a quick recovery, with early postoperative discharge in two or 3 days. Second, TECAB allows for multiple arterial grafting with the use of BITA with no adventure of deep sternal wound infection even in high-hazard patients. Moreover, in a closed-chest surroundings the correct ITA is actually closer to the heart than generally perceived in an open sternotomy case and can achieve left side targets passing underneath the anterior mediastinal fat. Thus, BITA tin can be used regardless of BMI, gender or glycated haemoglobin levels in patients with diabetes. Finally, an off-pump TECAB approach with BITA as conduits of pick provides all-arterial inflow which can exist achieved in the left coronary system with a complete no-aortic touch technique, minimising the risk of stroke while offering the demonstrated benefit of a multiarterial revascularisation.60–62 Despite these numerous advantages, the penetration of TECAB is extremely limited due to the steep learning curve required to consummate the distal anastomosis and properly stabilise the coronary target using the robotic platform. For these reasons, anastomotic devices need to be adult to facilitate TECAB.

Kofler et al. were able to demonstrate both minimally invasive procedures (MIDCAB versus TECAB) as viable and safe, regarding perioperative clinical issue. No perioperative expiry occurred and they observed an MI charge per unit of 1.v% versus 0% (p=0.463) and a stroke rate of 1.v% versus 0% (p=0.454) in TECAB compared with MIDCAB, respectively.63 Their results were in line with previously published literature.

Stastny et al. proved that arrested heart TECAB resulted in excellent clinical long-term outcomes with a LIMA artery patency rate comparable with conventional CABG at x years after surgery.64

Anastomotic Devices

Ane of the outset CABG procedures ever performed was done on the chirapsia heart using an anastomotic device.35 In 1960, Robert Goetz used a tantalum Payr's cannula to construct an end-to-end anastomosis between the correct LIMA and the correct coronary artery (RCA), demonstrating the feasibility of performing arterial grafting on the beating heart.35,65

The ideal anastomotic device should be easy to use, produce a geometrically optimal reproducible anastomosis with minimal endothelial damage and minimal blood-exposed non-intimal surface, yet a number of design constraints apply.36,66,67 Information directly comparison device and hand-sewn anastomosis in minimally invasive CABG remains very limited.68,69 The bulk of available data exists for the C-Port Flex-A anastomotic device (Aesculap), which is the only device supported by all-encompassing clinical data on its rubber and patency published by several teams in Europe and the US.70 This remains the only distal anastomotic device that has been cleared by the FDA. The C-Port connector is a single-shot anastomotic device which completes the coronary anastomosis with an interrupted row of 13 microscopic stainless steel staples. A recent histological written report showed it to be comparable to a hand-sewn coronary anastomosis regarding inflammatory response development of neointimal hyperplasia.71,72 Thus, further fairly powered Phase Iv clinical trials are needed to compare anastomotic devices to hand-sewn techniques with carefully selected patient groups, considering factors such as target coronary vessel territory, calcification and quality as well as the choice of conduit. The results should particular morbidity and mortality outcomes, particularly focusing on combined major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) in the curt and long term.66

Unfortunately, Aesculap suspended the product of this device after the technology was purchased from the original manufacturer with no official intention to bring it back on the marketplace. This decision has been a massive step backwards for minimally invasive coronary surgery and reflects the lack of manufacture support in this field. At that place are only ii other devices in pre-clinical development: the S² Distal Anastomotic System (iiTech) and the ELANA system (AMT Medical). A start-in-homo clinical trial is imminent for the latter.

Hybrid Coronary Revascularisation

The rationale for hybrid coronary revascularisation (HCR) lies in the well-established survival benefit conferred by LIMA-to-LAD grafts and the employ of new stent platforms featuring lower stent restenosis and thrombosis rates compared with venous graft stenosis and occlusion rates, respectively.73

When comparing CABG to PCI, CABG remains the gilt standard in MVCAD, with lower bloodshed and lower repeat vascularisation risks. Despite the college stroke chance suggested by CABG, that risk does not outweigh its benefits in long-term survival, leading physicians to combine the two procedures in what is known every bit HCR. Here, both surgical bypass and PCI are encompassed in that they are either performed during the same procedure or within 60 days of each other. Repossini et al. concluded that HCR is a safety arroyo with acceptable long-term results and that information technology could be offered to high-hazard patients and to MVD patients whose non-LAD lesions, after conscientious evaluation, were judged more suitable for PCI than for CABG. Considerable experience with MIDCAB and close cooperation between surgeons and cardiologists are mandatory to ensure the optimal revascularisation strategy is decided for each private.74

In full general, in that location are three dissimilar approaches to HCR:

  • The hybrid approach: LIMA–to-LAD surgery via a non-sternotomy arroyo (MIDCAB, robotic MIDCAB or TECAB), followed by PCI stenting of the not-LAD territory. The latter is mostly performed 30 days after minimally invasive LIMA-to-LAD surgery.
  • The reverse hybrid approach: in this scenario, PCI stenting is performed prior to minimally invasive CABG to the inductive ventricular wall or to the left coronary artery. The reverse hybrid approach generally happens in the lite of an acute coronary syndrome involving a not-LAD target receiving astute PCI and consistent stent implantation. During emergency stenting, a diagnostic catheterisation of the left coronary system is accomplished yet boosted stable CAD is noted. At this indicate, the surgeon is consulted to consummate the revascularisation, applying a minimally invasive approach for LIMA-to-LAD surgery several weeks after the primary acute PCI. In this case, awareness should be raised regarding the need of DAPT. Even so, the risk of haemorrhage during surgery should be addressed accordingly.
  • The advanced hybrid procedure: this refers to whatsoever type of HCR that combines minimally invasive, sternal sparing, multiarterial featherbed grafting with PCI.75,76 The standard hybrid approach simply uses the LIMA to bypass the LAD. The avant-garde hybrid arroyo uses both mammary arteries for deployment to the left coronary system (LAD and circumflex) whereas the RCA is treated with a stent some weeks after the initial minimally invasive surgical procedure. The advanced hybrid procedure is also adopted when a single mammary avenue is used in a minimally invasive way to bypass the LAD and diagonal coronary avenue sequentially, followed past PCI of some other not-LAD target (obtuse marginal or RCA).

The advantages and disadvantages of one stage (simultaneous) and two-stage HCR were described and published in 2015 by Panoulas et al.73

The results from the POLMIDES trial showed that HCR is feasible in selected patients with MVCAD referred for conventional CABG.77–79 Foik et al. ended that patients receiving the HCR treatment required administration of pressor amines less oftentimes and less ofttimes experienced hypotonia compared with the group receiving the classic treatment (conventional CABG or OPCAB).78 On the other hand, oxygen saturation was significantly lower in the HCR group compared with the grouping receiving the archetype handling. Mobilisation of patients in the two-stage regimen of hybrid treatment was slower during the get-go two days and during cycles of rehabilitation just these patients accomplished full self-reliance before than those from the classic group. Observational data on HCR from a multicentre report suggested that there is no significant divergence in MACCE rates over 12 months between patients treated with multivessel PCI or HCR.lxxx

The findings of Modrau et al. suggest non-superior 3-year clinical issue after HCR compared to conventional myocardial revascularisation. Consideration of the procedure-associated morbidity may assist the heart squad to provide an individualised revascularisation strategy.81

Diverse studies take shown that HCR resulted in fewer blood transfusions, shorter hospital stay, decreased ventilation times and shorter time for patients to return to work when compared to CABG, whereas CABG was more than cost constructive overall.82 The greater costs of HCR could be due to the utilise of radiographic instruments and stent implantation; nevertheless, information technology is suggested that with increasing experience these costs could be lowered. Both Reynolds et al. and Leacche et al. found that MACCE was significantly worse with HCR in high-risk patients, nevertheless in the mid-term (xviii months), no difference in MACCE between the HCR and conventional CABG group was found.82,83 In fact, HCR patients showed lower stroke rates at 30 months.38,83,84

In their large series of HCR and multivessel PCI for patients with left primary stenosis, Repossini et al. demonstrated favourable outcomes for HCR for patients with a medium–loftier EuroSCORE and a SYNTAX score <32, HCR may provide a promising culling to conventional CABG and multiple PCI with like postoperative results.85

HCR presents an attractive culling option for treating patients with MVCAD because it maximises the clear survival benefits of LIMA-LAD grafting, improves quality assurance with completion angiography and allows quicker patient recovery; furthermore, patients avoid the negative systemic inflammatory effects of CPB and delayed healing subsequently sternotomy.38

HCR virtually commonly involves a planned combination of LIMA-LAD grafting and PCI of non-LAD targets.86 1-tertiary of U.s. hospitals with on-site cardiac surgery perform HCR where it is reserved for a highly selected population.86 Clinical outcomes after HCR appear favourable, with lower MACCE, MI and repeat revascularisation rates compared with multivessel PCI.86 It has as well been linked to lower stroke rates and in-hospital complications compared with CABG, just a greater demand for repeat revascularisation.86 Engagement from interventional and surgical communities and adequate patient selection based on local expertise and data from registries and RCTs are of key importance to determine its future success.86 In light of information showing that drug-eluting stents are equivalent if not meliorate than saphenous vein grafts, should we non be pushing the envelope and greatly expanding our apply of HCR at the expense of traditional LIMA–LAD + saphenous vein graft CABG?88 The use of bilateral internal thoracic grafts improves overall long-term survival and repeat revascularisation-free survival without increasing the incidence of operative complications, including deep sternal wound infection, particularly with the add-on of graft skeletonisation.79,88,89 The brusk- and mid-term endpoints in this study would exist unlikely to tease out these differences, then mayhap we should exist more ambitious with BIMA grafting in any patient undergoing surgical myocardial revascularisation, including those who fit the ideal ii-vessel HCR case and non just the young and relatively healthy.88 A hybrid approach could too be applied in an acute setting (reverse HCR) – treating the culprit lesion with PCI and and then completing the revascularisation of other targets with minimally invasive CABG.

At that place are many limitations of HCR. For 1, the operation is challenging equally surgeons have to work through small incisions. This makes it particularly difficult for inexperienced doctors as skilful results strongly depend on the quality of the anastomosis. Furthermore, there are no golden standard criteria for patient option.90 Esteves et al. showed with the long-term follow-upwards of the randomised MERGING clinical trial that HCR was viable but associated with increasing rates of MACCE during ii years of clinical follow-up, while the control group treated with conventional surgery presented with low rates of complications during the aforementioned menstruation. They postulated that, earlier more definitive data arise, HCR should be applied with careful attention in practise, post-obit a selective example-past-instance indication.91 Contempo studies have fostered the opinion that CABG remains the gold standard in patients with MVCAD; however hybrid approaches are an bonny option for certain patient groups.73 Current evidence suggests that HCR is viable and safety for a detail target group with acceptable mid-term outcomes that are non-inferior to conventional CABG: just over lx years of historic period; mainly stable, CAD-favourable anatomy; intermediate risk and SYNTAX scores; and preserved or mildly impaired left ventricular ejection fraction.73 However, data for higher-risk groups, who would theoretically do good the most from HCR, are weak or lacking; hence, no inferences or generalisations can be fabricated regarding the role of HCR in these patients.73 The 2012 American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association guidelines recommend HCR in patients with heavily calcified proximal aortas, inadequate bypass conduits and landing targets for non-LAD vessels that are feasible for PCI.92 Furthermore, the 2018 European Society of Cardiology/European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery guidelines on myocardial revascularisation highlight the need for multicentre studies to prove the efficacy and superiority of hybrid techniques in stable MVCAD.27

Nonetheless, Ganyukov et al. proved that inpatients with MVCAD amenable to CABG, HCR and multivessel PCI, the quantitative endpoint of rest myocardial ischaemia at 12 months, which is predictive in a slope manner of cardiac death and agin cardiac events, was like with all three guideline-accepted revascularisation strategies. MVCAD PCI, using gimmicky all-time-in-grade drug-eluting stents, was associated with a shorter hospital stay, less inpatient rehabilitation and shorter periods of sick leave than CABG or HCR.93 While extended follow-up volition determine longer-term outcomes from their study, a larger-calibration multicentre trial powered for clinical endpoints would be warranted.


In the five decades since it has been introduced, CABG has been discipline to continuous improvements and changes. The manner in which the process is now performed has been transformed by technological advances that accept propelled forward multiple CABG techniques. In the electric current era, CABG has become less invasive and accent has been given to more patient-friendly approaches and more durable results. MIDCAB was first described by Calafiore et al. and since and so, many studies have highlighted the beauty of minimally invasive coronary procedures, accentuating it every bit an bonny alternative to conventional CABG every bit information technology bypasses the demand for sternotomy.4 These less invasive methods are linked to reduced postoperative hospital stay, higher safe and higher efficacy and a better quality of life. When not performed as the primary operation, multiple studies have shown that MIDCAB can be performed in cases of reoperation.94–99 As opposed to CABG reoperations, MIDCAB has proven to exist more effective and not linked to increased mortality and morbidity.100,101 MIDCAB is also a viable alternative to CABG and tin can also supervene upon PCI in patients for whom PCI is either risky or impossible.

A major obstruction physicians face up when initiating MIDCAB is finding criteria for optimal patient selection. A further upshot is that MIDCAB is technically enervating and accounts for longer learning curves making it prone to anastomotic failure if surgeons are not experienced. MIDCAB is also more than plush in comparison to bare metal stenting. 1 of the newer developments in cardiac surgery is robotic-assisted MIDCAB and TECAB, aimed at yielding effective and lasting coronary anastomoses as well every bit faster recovery and less bodily trauma. It can, nonetheless, likewise affect cardiac and pulmonary part and cause prolonged mechanical ventilation. However, this seemed to exist linked to certain pre-operative patient-related risk factors.


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